Dynamic links,filters and more.
Price and sorting filters in SIH Market
If anyone didn’t know, on the main page of the Steam marketplace you can click on the SIH Market tab and see all the skins that are in stock. https://steamcommunity.com/market/ And in SIH extension there are now price filters and all kinds of sorting to make your trading experience even better.
New Dota 2 filters are available now!
Better trading filters for any game , right ?
Try new advanced filters for TF2 and Dota 2 in our price comparison service (https://sih.app/) !
Dynamic links to all available skin states
With its new features, SIH offers effortless page navigation and the ability to compare costs across the whole skin collection. The extension already has new buttons available.
The functionality of quick navigation between pages is available for everyone , while downloading prices will be available only for SIH Black
SIH Black is a paid subscription for SIH app and SIH Extension – our “All in one” website where u can trade , compare prices , floats, analyze the market.
Want to know more about our subscription ? – check out our post about it ! https://blog.steaminventoryhelper.com/sih-app-with-sih-black/
Trading bot Update
Added step-by-step instructions for new users
Added additional criteria for selecting profitable items (with detailed descriptions)
https://sih.app/bot – try it for yourself!
https://sih.app/ – Our best trading project!
https://steaminventoryhelper.com/ – learn more about it here!
https://blog.steaminventoryhelper.com – check out our other posts!