SIH Black

SIH Black Logo

SIH Black is a paid subscription for SIH app and SIH Extension– our “All in one” website where u can trade , compare prices , floats, analyze the market.
It is Your next level of efficiency – Use “Price Comparison” to trade at maximum profit, the SIH plugin to manage your Steam inventory with ease, 
 and our analytics to keep you ahead of the current market developments.

What does SIH Black give you ?

Besides every basic option SIH Black allows you to trade at the highest profitability not only on the sih app but on the SIH Extension too.

SIH Black allows you to customise the list of markets in your inventory and on the item page. For example, you can pin your favourite markets at the top of the list and sort the rest by price.

Premuim users also have no ads.

You will be able to use price comparison without any limit on the value of items that you can search .

And much more is on the way!

SIH Black subscription details

SIH Black is only valid for the Steam account you purchased your subscription with. Therefore, please verify upon proceeding with the subscription that you are in the correct account – Our best trading project!
– learn more about it here! – check out our other posts!

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