“Lite” mode of the SIH Extension exchange page

Sih lite exchange page

In our quest to make Steam better, we always have to balance between two extremes: leave it as it is or redesign it completely:)
We want to continuously improve SIH Extension, thats why with the exchange page, we went for the second way and undoubtedly stumbled over criticism from conservative users and technical limitations.

The problem lurks in the “double” download. Namely, we have to first wait for the Steam design to fully load, delete it and only then load SIH Extension design and it doubles the page’s opening time. Which can be very unpleasant for many of our users. If you have about 10 trades, it’s almost instantaneous, no problem.

SIH Lite Exchange Window

But if you have hundreds of trades or thousands of items in them, it can take up to 30 seconds to load, which is categorically unacceptable.
Therefore, we have developed a new mode – “Lite”, which keeps the original Steam design to within 1 pixel, and loading the page will take exactly as long as it takes with SIH off. However, you will still have access to trade prices.

https://sih.app/ – The best place for trading.
https://blog.steaminventoryhelper.com/ – check out our other posts!
https://steaminventoryhelper.com/– Download Steam Inventory Helper and learn more about it here!

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