Guide to the “Favorites” Section in Steam Inventory Helper (SIH): How Can You Use It?

Guide to the “Favorites” Section in Steam Inventory Helper (SIH): How Can You Use It?

With the vast number of items on the Steam Marketplace, it can be overwhelming, and it’s no secret that most of these aren’t relevant for every user. You’ve probably found yourself tracking a specific listing, checking the item’s page regularly. Usually, this requires bookmarking in the browser or manually searching, which is inconvenient and time-consuming. To address this, we’ve added a special “Favorites” section in our extension, making it easy to keep your chosen items accessible on the marketplace. If you haven’t heard about this feature yet, we’ll explain everything and share some tips on using this tool effectively.

How to Add an Item to Favorites

How to Add an Item to Favorites

Once Steam Inventory Helper is installed, your item pages get a major upgrade with new options. The “Add to Favorites” button will appear right below the item’s name, alongside its description and listings. To add an item to “Favorites,” simply click the button, and it will be saved in the corresponding tab within the extension window, located at the top-right corner of your browser. You can even organize this section into custom categories for easier sorting of items.

Price Monitoring on Favorite Items

Price Monitoring on Favorite Items

Imagine you’re ready to buy a new skin, but the price feels too high, or your budget is tight. Price charts show that every item goes through price dips and peaks, often due to Steam sales or in-game events when users sell off inventory to refill their wallets. Instead of relying on clunky searches and for quick access to items, add them to “Favorites” using Steam Inventory Helper. Now, all your desired items are in one place, and you can check prices without even opening the item’s page.

You’ve likely experienced situations where you forget about certain items over time; the “Favorites” section helps remind you of past ideas and wishes. This feature is especially useful when new items are added, as initial prices are often inflated, requiring a long wait for stabilization. Add items from new collections to dedicated tabs and track any price changes.

Creating a Test Investment Portfolio

Creating a Test Investment Portfolio

Creating a test investment portfolio is another great way to use the “Favorites” section. Maybe you’ve thought about investing in certain items (Major stickers, containers, cases, various skins) but didn’t want to risk your funds. Choose promising listings, group them in one section, and over time you’ll see how well your instincts serve you in the world of Steam investments.

It’s particularly helpful to build portfolios like this during Majors to keep an eye on unique stickers from teams or players. Consider the price you’d be willing to pay for specific stickers, and if the actual price aligns over time, it might be a compelling reason to buy.

Keeping Rare Items on Hand

Keeping Rare Items on Hand

As many know, the same items often sell at different prices due to unique factors. Special patterns, rare floats, expensive stickers, or charms can all increase a skin’s value. Some users may not realize they own a unique version and list it at a significantly reduced price. If you’re interested in capitalizing on this, group such items in a “Favorites” section and regularly monitor their listings on the marketplace. Steam Inventory Helper also allows you to switch between qualities and, with advanced filters, makes finding items easier and faster. For more details on this, read here.

This feature is straightforward and highly intuitive to use. We’re confident you’ll find your own way to use it or follow one of our suggestions.